This post in a nutshell:
- How social media has increased over the years
- Social media demographics
- Social media usage by age
- Why marketers need to know these figures
- How to use these statistics in your marketing strategy
- How MixBloom works with social media statistics
These days, marketing experts use data analytics to boost their social media marketing strategy. Data comes in the form of statistics that can tell you important information like a specific age group’s daily social media usage or most used platforms during a particular time period.
Statistics are used to get a glimpse at what is really going on with social media users’ daily activity. This information is so valuable in order to better position your marketing approach.
Let’s take a look at some social media statistics and figure out how you can implement them into your social media marketing strategy:
How Social Media Usage Has Increased Over the Years
Social media has become essential for the growth of businesses as well as employment in marketing. Creating content for social media is an in-demand skill and there are full job titles dedicated to crafting and strategizing the best social media content for up and coming brands.
Because of this, social media analysts have seen a steady increase in usage.
It’s no surprise that in the years before and after the pandemic, social media usage has increased. According to social media usage statistics in 2020, Tiktok and Reddit have seen the most growth at 18.3% and 14.1% respectively. It’s projected that by 2027, 6 billion people will be using some type of social media.

Social Media Demographics
In January 2023, the worldwide social media user count was 4.72 billion and this continues to increase.
Social media users worldwide spend about 2 hours and 24 minutes a day engaged with their apps, with users in Nigeria using it the most at over 4 hours a day.
The age group who spends the most time on social media are females ages 16-24 at 3 hours and 13 minutes per day.
Facebook remains the most widely used social media app with 3 billion users.
Connecting with friends and family is the main reason why the majority of users log onto their social media apps. Just 22.3% say they use social media to make new contacts.
Social Media Usage by Age
One of the most important stats to know is which age group uses social media the most? Let’s go through the most popular social media apps and how age plays a role in user count, usage and trends.
Here are the social media usage statistics from 2023 by age:
Facebook has a total of 3 billion monthly users which is still increasing to this day.
29.9% of those are between the ages of 25-34.
The daily time each user spends on Facebook is 35 minutes, a slight increase from 33 minutes last year.
Most younger users will opt to use TikTok or Snapchat instead of Facebook which attracts more of the Millennial crowd.
Instagram is not far behind Facebook with a total of 2.35 billion monthly users. Half of its users are under the age of 35.
In 2022, Instagram’s teenage users accounted for 8.5%.
Instagram has become the platform of choice for Gen Z in the same way that Facebook was the platform of choice for Millenials.
X (Twitter)
38.5% of X users are between the ages of 25-34 and 59.2% are between the ages of 25-49.
X shows consistency through the last few years in terms of user growth, however its users are getting younger.
The largest demographic of users who use Pinterest is between the ages of 18 - 34 - this age group is the majority demographic at 58%.
The majority of "pinners" are women with 72.6% being female, however male pinners are increasing every year.
Since the birth of Pinterest in 2010, the number of users has reached 463 million. The beginning of the pandemic saw a 37% growth rate and has since continued to rise.
This pin board platform allows the user to discover visuals and photos that they can add to albums and curate their own mood boards, wish lists and galleries.
TikTok was first released back in 2016 but social media usage statistics show that the app gained expontential growth and popularity by age in October 2020, when it reached 2 billion downloads. Since then, it has continued to increase in usage 10x since 2021.
As it stands - in the US - 25% of TikTok users are ages 10-19 and 22.4% are ages 20-29.
Fun Fact! Over 67% of Gen Z admit that they’re directly influenced by products they see on TikTok, compared to 56% of millennial respondents in the same study.

Over 69 million internet users aged between 16-64 say that Snapchat is their favorite social media app.
Almost 40% of Snapchat's advertising audience comes from users aged 18-24 with just 3.7% being over 50.
In fact, social media users aged 18 and over are known as the “Snapchat generation” and prefer to communicate with snaps instead of texts.
You're never too old to snap! Social media statistics suggest that the age demographic of Snapchat users fall on both ends of the age spectrum - with older users (up to age 63) and young, 18 year old users sharing their snaps.
And people over 50 are Snapchat's fastest-growing audience!
A statistic shows that 77% of Youtube users are between the ages of 15-25, and the group between 26-65 is pretty evenly distributed.
The video sharing platform hosts videos, short reels and even full Youtube series.
All age groups use Youtube on a consistent basis whether it’s for entertainment, to advertise their business or product, or for their own influencer platforms.
Youtubers mostly reside in the USA followed by India, then China. Youtube ads reach the farthest in the Netherlands, followed by South Korea, then New Zealand.
The video sharing app racks up a high daily retention of users, with 62% logging onto the platform everyday.
With most digital marketing shifting towards video these days, YouTube makes for a great long-term investment.
The largest group of LinkedIn users are between the ages of 25 - 34, representing 60% of the users. The second biggest user group is 18-24 at just under 22%.
A statistic shows that each week over 61 million job seekers use LinkedIn to search for jobs and 8 people are hired on LinkedIn every minute.
Making up the majority of the current workplace, it's the Millennials, who use the platform the most. They use this to keep colleagues up to date with career milestones and to network with others.
LinkedIn is also known to be the top platform for lead generation, meaning it’s a great platform for B2B marketers seeking an audience.
Why Marketers Need to Know These Numbers
It’s important to know your social media stats because these numbers can be used to inform your marketing strategy. Statistics can reveal things like audience behaviors, habits and projections. It would be much more difficult to access your target audience and experience what they see online without researching some statistics first.
How to Use These Statistics in Your Marketing Strategy
It's great that you've taken the time to analyze your audience statistics, but how do you incorporate it into your marketing strategy?
Focus on where your audience is
Knowing your target audience and where they spend most of their time is hugely important. This will help you determine which platform(s) to focus on and will also help you get a sense on how to best reach them.
Check competitors on each platform
By putting together a competitor audit you can compare stats from each platform and make a more informed decision as to which one to choose.
Segment your customers
By segmenting your customers into categories such as age, gender and net income, you can help to determine how and where to position yourself to reach this audience.
How MixBloom Works with Social Media Statistics
MixBloom is a white label social media agency with a team of experienced content creators dotted around the US, Canada and UK.
Our services include:
- Social strategy planning
- Social media content creation
- Custom graphic design and copywriting
- Scheduling, feedback, approval and publishing using the MixBloom white label software platform
We know just how important it is for our client to be in front of all the right people. And that's why, as part of our social strategy planning, we conduct thorough research into social media statistics so our high-quality white label content can reach the desired audience.
To conclude, performing your own data analytics research almost always contributes positively to your overall scope and business growth. However, trusting analytics alone is not enough to give you a full picture.
Statistics are a good tool to use in tandem with a talented team of experienced social media marketing professionals like MixBloom who know how to navigate social media platforms and implement the farthest audience reach for your brand. So use both strategies and it will serve you well!
Trust MixBloom's dedicated team to provide top-notch social media management services for your marketing agency.
Benefit from our responsiveness and expertise to keep your clients happy.